Pa Tate, Distinguished Rotarians, Members of Motuti Marae, Fellow Rotarians, members of my family and friends:

Those assembled here, and many that could not attend from near and far celebrate with you.

Kia mau ki Maoritanga – hold fast to your Maori culture

Please allow me to explore the connection of Rotary to the events about to unfold tomorrow.

Each year the Rotary International President picks a theme to inspire the 1.2 million Rotarian members worldwide. The 2007-8 theme was “Rotary Shares”. In October of 2007 when I spoke to Jean Kapea about the need for carving equipment, I coincidentally shared that the organization of Rotary might be able to help.

In 2008-9 the RI theme, chosen by the next RI President was “Make Dreams Real. Bob Novell, our District 5300 Foundation Chair in the U.S. suggested the vocational project that has become the Carving Center. We did not know at the time that it had been a dream of others including Dame Whina Cooper and Pa Tate Henare.

Individual Rotarians on both sides of the Pacific joined together to make the dreams real with the support of Rotary International.

The 2009-10 theme is “The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands.” With their hands Jock Hodgson and his team worked together. When the wind blew their work away, they returned… with their hands, to make the dream real.

The 2010-11 theme is “Building Communities – Bridging Continents.” I am grateful that the organization of Rotary has allowed us to bridge the continents – there is 8000 miles of ocean between us. I am grateful that Rotary has provided the opportunity to contribute to this community… and enriched our lives with new friends.

Waihoi i te toipoto – let us keep close together

Kaua i te toiroa– not wide apart