This past Friday Arcadia Rotary had the pleasure of having Christopher Hunter speak about how “ Benjamin Franklin Came to San Marino “. Christopher Hunter attended Harvard and is an English Professor at Cal Tech University. Benjamin Franklin lived from 1706 – 1790. During his life he had written a memoir or was it an autobiography ?? Christopher Hunter was very informative and new a great deal about this book that what was published on Benjamin Franklin. We were shown how his original work that he had written while he was alive has been transformed into many different volumes and different publishing works. In 1791 Manuscripts on Benjamin Franklin’s life came to the surface in Paris after he had passed away! From then on many renditions and volumes came out along with the original notes that Benjamin Franklin had written himself. Their was about a good 14 -20 year period where we have no rendition or proof of what really happened in his life but is told in these books by many other scholars, Christopher Hunter was a joy to listen to and informed us all how Benjamin traveled all this way to San Marino.