On a beautiful, sunny day, thirty, hard-working people, gathered at the Los Angelito’s orphanage in the east end of Tijuana, in a country-like setting, to work on a building project that would benefit the children of the orphanage. The home has 33 children, mostly girls, ranging from two to sixteen years of age.

The working group was made up primarily of members from the Arcadia Rotary Club and their families. They were joined by Rotarians from Tijuana, Montebello, Palm Springs, La Jolla New Generations Club, plus some non-Rotarian volunteers.

Led by our clubs’ “construction phenom” Tom Crosby, his very talented crew comprised of Mike Real, Stig Hedlund, Alex Niz and son, plus Matt Weaver, Mike Hoey, Gerard Tamparong, Mike Holl, and Al Laghab. They were able to build a 14×36 foot, wooden, covered outside patio for the kids to use as a play and dining area while being protected from the weather. They worked non-stop (not even a potty break) until darkness forced them to stop with the building 99% completed. Tools and materials needed to be picked up with the help of our vehicle’s headlights. (The Director of the orphanage will complete the remaining 1%).

As is expected from the Greatest Rotary Club in the World, the patio is a top quality, professional-looking structure that is greatly appreciated, and will get a lot of use by the children at the home.

While the construction was going on; Laura, Gregg and Hillary Freedman, Denise and Kelly Weaver, Jack McRae and his two boys, and Linda Hedlund kept the kids busy with several crafts, games, donations of toys, clothing, items for personal hygiene, and a lot of hugs and holding of hands. They also prepared a nice hot dog lunch with popcorn and drinks for the children and working crew.

John Hall and Dick Martinez distributed commemorative Tee-Shirts, designed by John, to all the kids, staff, and everyone who participated in this most worthy cause.

It was a great and “feel good” weekend that was punctuated by the warmth and gratitude expressed by the openly happy kids. At the end of the day we wanted to take all of them home with us. One of our Rotarians said it best, “this is what Rotary is all about. I will plan on coming on these trips every year.”

The evening ended with a wonderful cocktail party, dinner at a great steak house with the Tijuana Rotarians, and outstanding fellowship in typical Rotarian style.

Also assisting in the planning of games and the gathering of craft supplies for the project were Brad Miller and Jack Pan.