Roger Schulte from the Upland Rotary Club has been very active in Rotaplast International. This group is committed to helping children and families worldwide by eliminating the burden of cleft lip and cleft palate, burn scarring, and other deformities. Working with local professionals, Rotarians, and other organizations, Rotaplast provides free reconstructive surgery, ancillary treatment, and training for the comprehensive care of these children.
Roger related his experiences traveling with a Rootaplast crew to Guatemala. Security was very heavy and the crew was accompanied by armed guards. When they reached the small town where the operations were to take place, the local Rotary Club members partnered with the group. The team consisted of surgeons, anesthetists, pediatricians, nurses and support personnel. During the stay the team used three operating rooms. The results were amazing as these children with disfigured faces are given new lives. It is said the surgeons have “Miracle Hands”.
Roger will be going on another Rotaplast mission in June to Aursha, Tanzania. He encourages anyone who is interested or who would like to support this mission to contact him at