The theme for the day’s recognitions was “Where did you go on vacation?” Finemaster Bob Harbicht called on Pat Barnes first. Pat and Barbara Lynn were traveling for eight and a half weeks, driving 7,406 miles in their RV. The farthest away they traveled was Highway 70 in Maryland, visiting their daughter and family in Pennsylvania along the way. Finemaster Bob enlisted Jim Rider’s help to calculate the fine using “Rider Math,” resulting in a fine of $110 for Pat.

Next, Kathy Ellison was recognized for sending strippers down to help with the Rotary Amigos project in Mexico. Although, Dick Martinez agreed that “what happens in Tijuana, stays in Tijuana,” Kathy admitted that she actually sent electrical wire strippers from her electrical wholesale business and she was fined $50.

Larry Callaham and his wife were also gone for eight weeks, visiting their daughter and family in Iowa. They drove there and back, logging many miles and earning a $50 fine.

Not to be outdone, Brian Hall was also in the Midwest for five days – Michigan and Chicago, specifically — attending his nephew’s wedding. He was also fined $50.

Although Dick Martinez didn’t leave town, he did attend the opening USC football game against Alabama. They had a great tailgate party with friends and their son, but as soon as the first quarter was over, the nightmare began. In sympathy, Dick was not fined; attending the game was deemed to be punishment enough.

Tony Parrille celebrated his birthday a couple weeks ago … in Maui. He said he just needed to use up his air miles and he likes to travel west, but he was still fined $50.

Finally, Erich Rail and his son rode 250 miles on bicycles in South Dakota, visiting, among other spots, the George S. Mickelson Trailhead near Deadwood, railroad tracks turned into a bike trail. According to Finemaster Bob, who met Erich on a bicycle trip years ago, he is good at finding refreshment spots along the way, so Erich was fined $75.