Our own Past President Rich Hutton, famous (or infamous?) defense attorney, was questioned closely by the Finemaster. He has only been photographed with beautiful blond defendants; has he ever represented an ugly brunette? Rich wisely kept his own counsel, but was fined $40 for two photographs in the Star News.

Jim Rider and Eric Barter, avid OSU Beaver and UO Duck fans respectively, were fined $20 each because both teams lost their games.

President Brad Miller was “chained” to his gavel to prevent the gavel’s future loss, a recurring problem during his presidency so far. He was “not fined” $20 and was shortly and miraculously free of the chain. As he informed the club, Houdini, like our President, was Jewish.

Dennis Lee introduced his guest, his replacement as President of Methodist Hospital. The Finemaster fined him $30 for continuing to work when his position had already been filled.

For a fine of $30, David Hu was invited to tell the club a joke. Suffice it to say that it involved lost ID and the Social Security office …

Jeff Johnson, Aaron Rose and Jon Richards, Red Badgers all, were read a long list of names and asked what these people had in common. After confessing their lack of knowledge, they were fined $40 each. The people were award-winning embroiderers. None of them eclipsed Pat Barnes, however, who won a First Place blue ribbon at the Los Angeles County Fair for a Christmas stocking he created for his grandson. His wife, Barbara Lynn, won Third Place for a latch hook rug at the Fair.

And finally, Paul Kalemkiarian was fined $100 for two birdies in a recent golf round, $50 each.