Phyllis Corliss travels for a living, running a tour business. She has visited over 200 countries, so Finemaster Bob was sure she would know all about the Eiffel Tower, having visited it many times. Although Phyllis assured him that she had “so many facts in my mind,” she didn’t correctly answer his questions: When was the Eiffel Tower built? – 1889. Why was it built? – For the World’s Fair. It was the tallest man-made structure in the world when it was built. What had been the tallest before it? – Washington Monument. What replaced it? – Chrylser Building. Phyllis didn’t earn a fine reduction with correct answers, so she was fined $50.

A blue ribbon at the Los Angeles County Fair cost Pat Barnes $50. He won the ribbon with a cross-stitched Christmas stocking that he made for his youngest grandson.

Even though Mike Hoey hasn’t golfed lately, he was still fined $50 for listening to Finemaster Bob’s groaner of a golf joke. Suffice it to say it involved a skydiving blind golfer and his guide dog … who became the early warning system of the approaching ground at the end of the skydive … groan.