In celebration of the first meeting of the New Year, Finemaster Brad Miller conducted a quiz on New Year celebrations. With rare occasions available to fine Gerard Tamparong, Brad started the questions with him: When is New Year’s celebrated in the Philippines? Gerard correctly identified it as January 1 and his fine was only $25.

Next, Matt Weaver, who has done many projects in Thailand, was asked when the New Year is celebrated there. He guessed February, but was overruled by Finemaster Brad who identified Thai New Year as celebrated in April. Over his objections, Matt was fined $50.

Ken Chan not only answered the question correctly about Chinese New Year, he elaborated. In 2018, Chinese New Year will be celebrated on February 16 and it will be the Year of the Dog under the Chinese zodiac. Ken was rewarded with a reduced fine of $25.

The last recognition was for George Fasching. Finemaster Brad noted when the historic windmill on Denny’s was first restored at a cost of $100,000, George was fined for a light bulb that was burned out. The light bulb was subsequently fixed, but in light of the news that the windmill sails have recently toppled, George was called to question. George maintains that he was associated with the restoration of the windmill but didn’t actually work on its repair. His argument didn’t save him; he was recognized for $25.