Well, our Fine Masters have finally come up with a near sure proof way to stump us all with the introduction of Who Dat? In this game, early and obscure photos of our members are shown and a member is asked to do the impossible….. name Who Dat? 100% of our contestants FAILED……

1st, Bob Margett guessed that Joel Shawn was George Fasching….$50

2nd, Bruce Marrs ventured no guess as to whom the baby in the old photo was, nor the owner of the ‘feet by pool’ in the other photo could be. Both photos were of Alan Yack….$50

3rd, Mark Kaloff took a random guess that the athlete in the photo was Rob Post when it was really Steve Pelletier….$50

4th, John Davis was thrown a real curve ball with a photo of a teenage boy with a full head of hair (that should have been his first clue) Well, it wasn’t Rob Post either, it was Dave McMonigle……$50

Enough of the Who Dat game, back to the punishment of those publicly promoted……

Dave Totten’s company, Totten Tubes received publicity in the local paper regarding the opening of a Northern California office. TT has signed a 5yr lease for a 25K square foot warehouse plus 1K square feet of office space. Bring in Jim Rider for math… 26 total, 2 T’s in Totten Tubes (well, really 4 but who’s counting) so times 2 = $52

Jeff Johns sent in an article which ran in the Sacramento Bee in which our own Bob Harbicht has reached statewide readership on his views regarding coyote sightings. However, he wore a tie to the meeting so….$25

by Andy Bundesmann