The Finemasters have done it again! They unearthed a rare 1962 newspaper photo of John and June Fee, puffing on a hookah pipe (or at least pretending to puff). John didn’t try to deny his participation in the face of the incontrovertible evidence and, with some help from Jim Rider and “Rider math”, he was fined $44.

Last month, yours truly (Yvonne Flint) mistakenly reported that Andy Bundesmann was fined for being late to Rotary. Instead, it was George Fasching who was fined for forgetting to pick her up. As recompense for the error, I was fined $25.

Rotary’s Day at the Races was held on February 4 at the Santa Anita Racetrack. Traditionally, the current President of Arcadia Rotary poses with the winner of the Arcadia Rotary race that day. This year, somehow David and Wendy McMonigle appeared in the photographs of the winner’s circle. For “weaseling” his way into the President Matt’s photo, Dave was fined $50.

It pays to read the Rotarian magazine – just ask Jim Rider. He correctly answered the Finemasters’ question: According to the cover of the latest issue, how many countries have risks from unexploded landmines? The answer, 110, saved Jim a recognition fine.