Before kicking off the holiday quiz, Finemaster Brad Miller recognized Ernie Aragon for celebrating his immediate family who number 51! Included in this grand total are 11 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren, making Ernie the patriarch of an impressive tribe.

Roger Grant’s family increased by a new granddaughter that very morning, born at 5 lbs. 2 oz., 18 in. This brings his family total to 26, including 15 grandchildren and earning him a recognition of $100.

Dick Martinez awarded Mike Real a fine credit of $100 for correctly answering his weekly ABCs of Rotary question. Finemaster Brad couldn’t let that stand long, so he fined Mike $100 to use up that credit quickly.

The holiday quiz focused on Hanukkah whose eight-night celebration began Tuesday evening. The first question was directed to Tom Miles: Name a traditional Israeli meal at Hanukkah. Tom didn’t guess correctly, nor did Brent Forsee, but Aaron Rose correctly answered “Doughnuts,” naming the jelly-filled sweets that are traditionally served.

Rosie Mares was given a multiple choice question: Hanukkah is a big deal because a) Jews are a majority in the US, b) public schools are closed, c) it’s close to Christmas, d) there are lots of Hanukkah specials. Rosie correctly answered “C” and no fine resulted.

Dave Freeman correctly answered the number of candles on the Hanukkah menorah (nine) for no fine, but all was not lost. Bob Harbicht earned a fine of $100 for heckling Dave and for refusing to take a photo with Teri Muse and Dirk Hudson at a recent event.