First of all, a BIG THANK YOU to Finemaster Bob for helping this reporter out when she missed the meeting she was supposed to report on! The following is plagiarized (OK, copied directly) from the notes he most kindly sent me.

A picture taken at opening day at Dodger Stadium showing Matt Weaver, Dave McMonigle, John Wilson and Mike Real was shown. In their defense, Mike told a long involved story which the Finemaster (nor anyone else in the room) could figure out how it applied. Each was fined $25 for being at opening day, plus an additional $25 for missing Rotary to be there.

Another picture (a “selfie”) of two bald heads, which at first glance appeared to be a picture that was not fitting for polite company turned out to be Dave and Matt sitting close together.

Ramon Oseguera told how the Westfield mall had announced a $20,000,000 upgrade this morning. Bob opined that if he had that much money, he could spare $50 for Rotary.

The Finemaster got Jim Helms up and related a story of how St. Peter and Satan were arguing over who was responsible for maintaining the fence between heaven and he’ll. Finally Satan filed a lawsuit and had a legal brief delivered to St. Peter stating his case. St. Peter replied that they would accept responsibility for the fence because he didn’t have access to legal counsel. Jim was fined $50 for listening politely to the story.

Mike Real was again addressed and asked about the old car he was seen driving. He informed us that it was a 1964 (?) Chevrolet station wagon that has been in his family since it was new. Since Steve Fong was not in attendance to hook Mike up with a new car, he was allowed to slide on this one.

Bruce Marrs was asked about the picture of him getting his head shaved in the paper for the St. Baldricks event. Bob fined him “only” $50 since he felt most people didn’t notice that what little hair he had was gone.