Dennis Lee

One half of the dynamic duo, namely Dave, aimed his first assault at Dennis Lee not only for the multitude of newspaper articles and photographs that are part and parcel of being Dennis Lee, but for the “Disaster” response exercise held recently. Senator Margett confirmed the Disaster Preparedness excerise focused on “decontamination”. All in all, 204 persons were injured as the result of a

dirty bomb explosion at the speedway. According to Mr. Lee, the ‘really sick’ people when to Huntington. Fiction imitating life? Let’s hope not. $75 Mr. Lee.

Bob Dagget became the focus of a joke I won’t, but could, repeat in writing. Thus upping Margett’s final billing to $75. Poor Bob Daggett got roped in for $50.

Dave noted both Tom Crosby’s return, welcoming him back and Imy’s shirt of the day choice. No costs were involved.