With Keith Brown still MIA, Brian Cogbill commandeered the microphone and couldn’t find any reason to acknowledge Dennis Lee but did recognize Carolyn, who quickly pointed out that George Fasching paid for her lunch. No good deed going unpunished…$10 to George and $20 to Carolyn.

Imy Dulake closed another large real estate sale. This time for $5MM. So the way Brian figured it is 6% of $5MM… $3,000???

Brian Hall has been missing and it’s not because he’s been travelling in his Corvette. He and Betty visited Alaska….$20

Frank Perini was asked to identify the sleeping Rotarian on the video screen. He failed to identify Bill Gleason…$10

Bill Gleason was awakened and asked to identify the next sleeping Rotarian on the video screen. He failed to identify Dan Bayer…$20

A far stretch was made by Brian on this one… The China Clipper (aka Butch’s Dad) had 3 of our Rotarians present; Dan Bayer, Ben Goland and Jack Lamb…. $10/each

Tony Parille wrote an editorial, appearing in the local paper, in which he criticized a ‘buffoon’ who had written in on global warming… worth $.50

Brian Hall attempted to close out the recognitions with the following joke: What did the mother buffalo say to her son which he went off to college?… “Bye Son”. That received an appropriate fine of $100

Brian Cogbill couldn’t be stopped there…. He was compelled to point out that Sharon Novell has obviously not recovered completely as it is very apparent that she is not picking out Bob’s clothes….$20