Flood victims desperately need shelter

The announced goal was to raise $5000 by September 17th to buy 5 Shelterboxes for Pakistan flood victims. $50 average was asked of each Rotarian, family, and community. This is not just about us. Read about the devastation and watch the video on the Shelterbox website.

For those still unfamiliar about Shelterboxes – they are big containers that can be delivered anywhere in the world with a tent shelter and supplies for 10 people. Read up on them at the Shelterbox website.

With the announcement of our goal, $650 was immediately pledged or received – Our Rotarians stepped up. Local Rotary Clubs have been invited to join us.

District and RI news: BUT WAIT – THERE IS MORE Our District Foundation Chair, Clive Houston-Brown advised me there is District funds available for a matching grant. RI has announced the Rotary Pakistan Flooding Fund it will fast track matching grants for Pakistan relief. A matching grant will make the $5000 grow to $17,000.

A request has been made on August 31st to District 5272 (Pakistan and Afghanistan) for a local club to be the co-sponsor of the matching grant project. We await a response.

Anyone interested in learning about matching grants and helping with the project should contact Brad Miller, Eric Barter or Sho Tay.