Flood devastation taken by a member of our MG co-sponsor, Rotary Club of Rawilipindi

Our club has nearly met the $5000 goal for the first Matching Grant for Pakistan. Our $5000 with Matching Grants will become $17,000, 17 Shelterboxes for 170 people. Sierra Madre and Monrovia have committed to a second $5000 – $17,000 with Matching Grants.

This week Pasadena pledged $2500 and we asked San Marino to match it for third Matching Grant.

If it all works out and we do the math – that’s $51,000 raised in two months able to shelter 510 people.

Thanks to all that contributed. For those on the sidelines, please help us and we will forward any excess from our club to help the other clubs meet their goals.

Send checks made out to Arcadia Rotary and put Pakistan Shelterbox Project in the memo section. Address any questions to Brad.