by Brad Miller – Membership Development
There are three keys to bringing a new member into our Rotary club – Ask, ask, ask. When new members are queried why it took them so long to find Rotary they often say “I was not asked!” To make it easy for our members I have developed scripts to help.
Simple Script: “Come and join me for lunch on Friday”. If declined, find out when they can join you and follow up.
Intellectual Script: “I think you would enjoy our speaker next week on (blank), come and have lunch with me” (make sure you know what the speaker is about)
Sneaky Script: “We haven’t had lunch for so long, let’s do it Friday and I’ll pick you up -its on me.”
You can adapt these scripts to your business. As an example the Fasching script: “Come by and get a carwash at 11.55 on Friday. I’ll be in my office” or the Chang script “After I’ve checked your skin for pre-cancerous lesions at noon on Friady why don’t you join me for lunch just before the meeting starts – we’ll be the last to arrive”
You get the idea. Invite a friend to Rotary. ASK, ASK, ASK.