Mike Danielson led off our meeting with the song from the old TV show, “Welcome Back Kotter,” an homage to our president’s return visit to the podium. Very creative, Mike.

Matt Weaver shared some of the details of the water projects we will be doing in the Thailand jungles, followed by a playing of the ABC Eyewitness News feature on Arcadia Rotary’s Field of Honor.

Our Rotary Foundation Chair, Gil Stromsoe presented a Paul Harris Fellowship to one of our newest members, Miquel Cea. Congrats Miguel!

Many thanks to Ray Bushnell, Jim Pontello, Miguel Cea and Gil Stromsoe, who manned our booth at the downtown patriotic festival.

Our own Imy Dulake and Bob Hoffman filled us in on the latest in real estate and the financial markets. Bob finished off the program with a game of “financial lingo bingo.” Three members shouted “Bingo” at the same time and received a big payday: a “Payday” candy bar!

Great meeting, lots of fun. If you’re not there you’re missing a good meal, a lot of fun and some great people to share it with.

See you next Friday.
