Well, last meeting for your president. At last year’s installation a long year stretched ahead. And then, suddenly, it was over. Funny how time is relative. I’ve had a lot of fun and I’ve worked hard to make the meetings fun. Everyone seemed to be enjoying them.

So, back to the last meeting. As always, Michael Danielson led us in song. Today it was “Around the World,” a tribute to the upcoming craft talk by Jerry De Lange, who has traveled extensively. Hate to tell ya, Nat King Cole did it better than we did. But he probably didn’t have any more fun.

Mike Real led us in the Pledge, Michael Danielson offered a prayer, and Kathy Ellison introduced guests. Tough job; there weren’t any. Thanks to Brian Hall, who greeted everyone today.

Several birthdays coming up this week. Sho Tay is on June 21; Gil Stromsoe on the 25th, Aaron Morris the 27th, and Carolyn Thai, wife of Tommy, on the 27th.

Gerald & Christa Tamparong will be celebrating 20 years of matrimonial bliss in June 26th.

T G Metzger has been a member of Arcadia Rotary for 12 years. I think that’s 12 years in his second go-around; T G was a member once before. Long-time members will recall that he “mooned” the club during his first Craft Talk. Don’t get any ideas, Jerry.

We were reminded of the installation banquet next Friday at the San Gabriel Country Club. Thanks so much to John Wilson for all his hard work in putting this event together. Jim Pontello is in charge of the seating chart. If you haven’t picked a table yet, see Jim.

The club was informed that Tony Parrille, upon his return from Maui, fell at LAX and broke his femur. He was to be operated on Friday. Mend quick, Tony.

Your president announced that there would be a short board of directors meeting after today’s meeting. Anticipating a positive vote, YP announced that Michael Danielson will be our Vice President, putting him in line to be our President 2026/27, Arcadia Rotary’s centennial year. Anticipating favorable action by the board (the vote turned out to be unanimous), Michael will be installed at next week’s banquet. This announcement received a very positive response from the members.

Jerry De Lange gave his craft talk today. Jerry had a very interesting story. The man knows how to live! He loves music and dance, knows how to party, and travels extensively. He’s been to over 200 countries. He also offered his home for a First Friday Funday, which sounds like a lot of fun. Great job, Jerry

Jerry was a tad rushed in his presentation because of some skulduggery among a few members to make sure YP was heading for the door by demoting him! Chris Haddow, Michael Danielson and Mike Hoey took turns roasting YP, who seemed to be enjoying their comments enthusiastically. They spared him not a whit, apparently working off some pent-up hostilities resulting from various fines during the year. The room was rocking with laughter, the members obviously enjoying the program as much as YP.

That’s it. See you at installation. Let’s all pledge to give President Rosie and her board our full support in the coming year.

Bob Harbicht

President (for a few more days)