Because of Flag Day, Mickey D selected the Star Spangled Banner for our song today. Before he announced the song, he asked everyone who wanted to donate to the Tijuana wheelchair project to stand. When the anthem started everyone rose. Mike jokingly thanked everyone for volunteering. Such a devious mind. I think the man has all the makings of a fine fine-master.

Jim Pontello led the pledge, Leilani Panyawai (fair warning, will be on next week’s spelling test) led us in prayer, and Mike Hoey introduced guests. Thanks to Ernie Aragon for being our greeter today.

Lots of landmark recognitions today. Leilani is celebrating a birthday on June 15. Instead of expecting gifts, Leilani baked goodies for all the members. She says that’s the way it’s done in the Philippines. Betty Chang is having a birthday on June 16. Dong cleverly folded Betty’s b-day celebration into the Father’s Day festivities. I suppose he’s going to try to tell us that’s a Chinese custom. Oh well, If Betty’s buying it Dong, you won’t get any pushback from me. Patsy Harbicht’s birthday is June 20. She and your president are dog sitting for their daughter that week, so the celebration will be somewhat subdued.

Ray & Barbara Bushnell are celebrating 17 years of marital bliss. Congratulations!

None of the Rotary anniversary celebrants were in attendance today. Kathy Ellison has been with us for eight years. Sho Tay marks 19 years with our club and for Matt Weaver it’s 37 years. Interestingly enough, your president had planned to have a word or two with each of them about their activities. Word must have leaked out. Hopefully we’ll see their smiling faces next week.

Installation of officers and directors is coming up in less than two weeks. Looks like there’s going to be a great turnout. If you haven’t made your reservations, please do so ASAP. John Wilson and his committee are working hard to make this a great event. Also, see Jim Pontello to make your seat reservations.

Your president read a letter from the Integrated Tribal Development Foundation in Thailand, thanking us for our contribution of about $10,000 toward the purchase of two 6-wheel trucks. These trucks are used for transporting materials for the water systems we are constructing and also for transporting the coffee grown by the natives to the warehouses in Chiang Mai. This is a great example of “planting trees in whose shade we will never sit,” but what a great contribution to the well-being of these people. Arcadia Rotarians can be proud of the individual contributions made, as well as the matching funds from our club.

Your president called Jackie So to her feet and asked her about her travel plans. Jackie admitted that she has plans to travel to Paris and London soon, but protested that YP couldn’t fine her because she hadn’t gone yet. YP quickly informed Jackie that she didn’t make the fining rules, YP did! Now, admittedly, those rules are somewhat fluid and sometimes change to fit the situation. Nevertheless, the rules are the rules and will be made by some arcane process that is not always available for everyone to be privy to. Back to the subject. YP explained that Jackie would probably be exploring the shops along the Champs Elysee and Saville Row and he thought it prudent to assess Jackie’s fine while she still had some money left. $50 was deemed to be a suitable amount. Have a great trip, Jackie.

A week ago YP emailed Dave Freeman about some Rotary business. Dave responded from “the middle of the ocean.” YP noted that Dave hadn’t specified which ocean and called David to his feet to illuminate us. It turned out it was the Pacific and Dave & Lean were on an Alaska cruise. Careful probing by YP further revealed that David Fu and his bride were also along for the ride. David Fu reluctantly rose to his feet to acknowledge that he and Natalie were, in fact, part of the fun. D & D were each fined $50 for their subarctic adventure.

YP had sent an email to Mike Real and received an automated answer, and I quote, “Out of office 11/3 starting at 11:30. Return on Monday, 5/6.” Mike was asked to clarify this note. Was this an old note from November 3, 2023 or did he anticipate being out of the office November 3, 2024? And how did he know that he would be leaving at 11:30 six months hence? And if he wasn’t returning until May 6, wasn’t six months a long time to be gone from the office? And why didn’t he specify the exact time of his return, as he did the exact time of his leaving? Rallying quickly, Mike admitted that his typing skills left a little to be desired (the understatement of the year) and he might have made a couple of typos. YP, always of the “spare the rod and spoil the child” school, decided to charge Mike $25 per typo, or $50 total.

Our program was a Craft Talk by one of our newer members, David Fu. YP had made his apologies to David that he would have to miss the Craft Talk as he had a memorial service he needed to attend. YP suggested that he and David could meet soon and David could give YP the Reader’s Digest version of David’s talk over a beer or two.

Next week promises two special events at our meeting. First, it will be the last Arcadia Rotary meeting that YP will be presiding at. Second, Jerry DeLange will be giving his craft talk. So, come on down and see your president off and hear what promises to be a very interesting program.

Bob Harbicht
