The always clever Mike Danielson selected “Come Fly with Me” as our song, in honor of our speaker from the Ontario Airport. Mike’s tones are always mellifluous, but he ain’t Frank Sinatra. Good job Mike.

Gil Stromsoe respectfully tied the Pledge into our display of 1,000 flags for Field of Honor. Mike Danielson led us in prayer and Tony Parrille introduced guests. Thanks to John Sun for being our greeter today. John always has a big smile, so he’s perfect for the job.

It was Serena Hsieh’s birthday on June 1. Shawn was not in attendance. Probably busy making preparations for Serena. Margie Totten had her birthday on our meeting day. Dave, already having made reservations at The Derby, was at the Rotary meeting. Your president is expecting a birthday on June 4. Bob says he may not be able to do Snapchat or Tic Toc, but he can write in cursive, do math without a calculator and tell time on a clock with hands.

Mike Real announced that the Field of Honor teardown took about two hours, thanks to the enthusiastic help of Arcadia Rotarians and lots of Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and others who pitched in. Once again, a huge “thank you” to Mike for all his hard work organizing the event.

Mike Danielson announced that he and Kathy Ellison – our Arcadia Rotary Foundation chair – attended awards night at the high school to present three scholarships from our club. Betcha didn’t even know we awarded scholarships every year. I believe the total was $5,000.

The installation banquet is Friday, June 28 at San Gabriel Country Club. This is a not to be missed event. First, there’s no charge for you and a guest. Second, you’ll have a great meal. Third, it’s a fun event. Fourth, it’s a chance to show president Rosie our support for her and her board for the next year.

But, there are two things you need to do:

  1. Make a reservation. Event organizer John Wilson has made this real easy. He has sent you an email with a link to sign up on. That link is also in the High Gear. YP usually has to turn to grandchildren for electronic consultation, and even he could do it.
  2. Pick a table to be seated at. Jim Pontello has the signup form. Give Jim a call or see him at the next meeting to secure your seats.

By the way, we are dark at noon on June 28, because of installation. If you show up at Embassy Suites at noon, you’ll be all alone. Actually, probably not; there’s sure to be one or two others who didn’t make a note of this.

YP Thanked Ray Bushnell for his behind-the-scenes help at Field of Honor. Fortunately, Ray had brought his truck to teardown and had some much-needed tools we could use. Unfortunately, his favoritest hammer went missing. Ray lamented that this hammer had perfect balance and had given him many years of service.

YP told Ray he had some good news and some bad news. The good news was that he had found Ray’s cherished hammer. The bad news was that the handle was broken in two. Ray was crestfallen. YP vowed to find the guilty party. When he asked if anyone in the crowd had any info on this dastardly deed, Mike Danielson made a hypothetical guess as to how it may have happened. At this point, Rosie Mares said she had a video of the deed in question. Faced with the threat of filmed evidence, Mike became a little more forthcoming in his answers.

Ray pointed out that – in addition to its obvious intrinsic value – the hammer was practically a family heirloom. Something about grandfather to father, father to son, . . . I can tell you, the room fell silent at this devastating news. Here and there member’s were seen to be surreptitiously wiping a tear from their eye. Ray and YP discussed how to arrive at a fitting fine for such a tragic event. Ray opined that, if the family heirloom value were factored in, such a fine would probably have to include a monthly payment plan. YP, realizing that nothing could adequately compensate for such a devastating loss and showing his well-known compassion, decided that Mike would pay $50.

YP also announced that he had instituted a nationwide search (over the internet) and had found the identical hammer. He proudly presented the replacement hammer to Ray. While he could not hope to replace the emotional baggage that accompanied the original hammer, he could at least give him back the tool that had been of such value to him. Further, YP told Ray that if he should need another of these perfectly balanced, sturdy instruments, he could get it for $4.99 at Harbor Freight
Dick Martinez was called to his feet. YP said to Dick, “I understand that you have become a food taster and are getting free food these days.” Dick muttered, “I don’t know how you find out about these things.” YP, deviating momentarily from the subject at hand, pointed out that, “I know everything! Everyone in the club knows that evasion is futile, because there are no secrets from me.”

Dick’s tale was somewhat convoluted, but involved a care facility, a woman who is a caterer, and Dick’s innate charm. I may have missed a few details, but suffice it to say that this caterer has been supplying Dick with meals on a regular basis. In fact, Dick said “She brings enough for two or three people.” YP asked everyone who had been invited to Dick’s for dinner to help him with the extra food to raise their hands. When no hands shot up, Dick’s doom was sealed. That’ll be $50, Dick.

Dave Totten was invited to stand and explain his recent trip to Rhode Island (which is not an island, for those who haven’t been there and I think there should be a congressional investigation into the deceptive naming). It seems Dave & Margie journey back there to attend a grandson’s college graduation. YP asked Dave if the grandson attending college had been any financial burden on Dave, planning to go easy on his fine if he answered in the affirmative. It turns out the young man was attending on both an academic and athletic (lacrosse) scholarship and there was no financial cost to Dave at all. Consequently, he was charged $50 and asked to carry the congratulations of Arcadia Rotary to his grandson

Aaron Morris was called to his feet to discuss his recent manning of the sales table at Field of Honor with Kathy Ellison. Seems Kathy looked away for a few moments and when she looked back, Aaron was over doing pull-ups on the exercise bars. YP pointed out to Aaron that he didn’t know of any other members who did pull-ups while on sales table duty. Of course, he wasn’t sure that any other members of this club could actually do pull-ups. Aaron is very fit. And young.

Before a fine could be levied, Aaron reported that a gentleman at the exercise equipment asked Aaron to show him how to use some of the apparatus. Aaron gave him a brief tutorial. The upshot was that this gentleman actually made a donation to Field. This added piece of information saved Aaron from a fine. When YP told him, “No fine, sit down,” Aaron had a very dubious look on his face, obviously waiting for the other shoe to drop. But, in fact, Aaron had avoided a fine, once again demonstrating the innate fairness of YP.

Sadie Gibbon was our program, telling us about the Ontario International Airport. Interesting talk. She even gave out a few prizes to those who answered certain questions correctly.

Next week will be Arcadia Chief of Police Roy Nakamura. Our police chief is always an interesting program. Don’t miss it.

Next Friday is – you guessed it – First Friday Funday. This will be the last FFF of YP’s term and we’re returning to where it all started: Mt. Lowe Brewery. Real simple. 4:00ish to 6:00ish. Buy your own beer or soft drink. Maybe bring a little snack to share, certainly not mandatory. Be prepared to hear – and maybe tell – some outlandish stories. Spouses are invited – no, encouraged! – to come. Since this is my last FFF, I hope to have a good turnout.

BTW, in addition to being dark at noon on June 28 because of installation, we are also dark on July 5 for Independence Day.

Bob Harbicht
