Just bring together some good friends, add some great conversations, a few jokes, a good time and you have an Arcadia Rotary Club meeting.
Our stand-in song meister, Mike Hoey, led us in a rousing rendition of “You’re a Grand Old Flag.” Fortunately he took us through it twice because we kinda flubbed the first go-around, but the second was flawless. Amazing what a little practice will do. Imy Dulake led the Pledge, Gil Stromsoe offered a prayer and Dick Martinez introduced guests. Thanks to Kathy Ellison for serving as greeter today.
Pat Dolphin was reminded that Mary has a birthday coming up on May 4. And Jim Pontello is a Cinco de Mayo baby. Congrats, Jim.
We had no wedding anniversaries in the coming week, but we did have two Rotary anniversaries. Shawn Hsieh has been with our club for four years. Francine Chiu is celebrating eight years as a member. Thanks to both of you for your service to Rotary and the world.
It was reported that the flag assembly at Mike Real’s house last Saturday went well. Although the members and spouses gave a pretty good impression of not knowing what they were doing, 100 flags were assembled in less than two hours. Great job folks!
The Teri Muse Memorial Walkathon for mental health will take place on Sunday, May 19. It’s about a 5K walk (3 miles for you Americans) which basically circumnavigates Arcadia Park. Cost is $45 per walker and proceeds are going to the Arcadia High School mental health center. Mental health was a particular interest of our past president Teri.
I hope everyone will take part in this event. It is a great opportunity to pay tribute to our friend Teri, and the funds go to a great cause. You can sign up by tapping the button in the newsletter, or Tommy Thai is passing a signup sheet at meetings.
Your president reported that long-time Arcadia Rotary member Bill Gleason has passed away. On a happier note, YP reported that he had talked to another long-time member, Ken Mallory. For years, Ken came to meetings early to help set up the room and stayed late to take it down. Ken’s doing well, living at Royal Oaks Manor where YP was with his Model A Ford putting on a car show for residents before 14 of these 90+ year-old cars drove to Mt. Baldy Village for lunch. Ken brought his Model A to the car show, although he doesn’t drive it much anymore. Ken will be celebrating his 100th birthday Next December 3. I told him I would remember him to the club.
Today we honored three accomplished students of the month from Arcadia High School. Angela Zhuang was our academic student of the month. YP asked her grade point average and it was – you guessed it – 4.0. YP told her we had two members of our club who had a 4.0 grade point average: Dave Totten was a 2.1 and Ernie Aragon a 1.9.
Darren Yang was our athletic student of the month, but could not attend. He was off at a CIF playoff game. The AHS principal was there to accept for Darren.
Last, but not least was the performing arts student honoree, Lola Park. Lola is the lead percussionist with the high school band.
The students introduced their parents, emphasizing how important the awards we give are to the students and families.
Debbie Champion, principal, introduced Highland Oaks Elementary School the teacher of the year, Billy Homan.
All were presented with plaques from the Rotary Club and the teacher of the year was also given a check by Arcadia Rotary.
With just a couple of minutes left before starting our program, YP got Mike Hoey to his feet. Mike was apparently on his way to spend opening day fishing with our member Butch Chinn. In fact, Mike had texted YP a picture of Butch with a giant trout. Unfortunately, Mike wasn’t able to catch that fish, which he claims “Had his name on it.” Almost to the High Sierras, Mike got a phone call that Jamie had been in a traffic accident. Apparently not too serious, but Mike immediately turned around and headed home, thereby leaving that fish for Butch to catch.
Now, admittedly YP was somewhat taken aback by this story, because he was expecting Mike to talk about the arrival of his first grandchild. The traffic accident story was an inventive excuse, but YP eventually wormed it out of Mike that he had, in fact, greeted his first grandchild, who arrived 5 weeks early.

The standard fine for grandchildren at Arcadia Rotary is $100. That look of pride on Mike’s face shows he was happy to pony it up.
Our program chairman Tony Parrille introduced Tim Brick, who gave a very interesting talk on the past and future of the Arroyo Seco.
Next week’s program will be by the Interact Club from the high school. Francine Chiu is our liaison with the club and does a great deal of work behind the scenes. Thanks so much, Francine!
It was noted that we had turned the calendar page to May. YP asked what that meant? Answers given were: Cinco do Mayo is almost here; May Day is being celebrated in many parts of the world; Alan Shepherd became the first American in space on May 5; President Harry S. Truman was born on May 8. Of course, of course! But more important than all of that: it’s First Friday Funday!
Our gathering spot was the beautiful home and yard of Paul & Sandra Kalemkiarian. Paul has built a bar in his backyard. No, not just a bar; this is an entire building. Has about a 30-foot bar, tables, chairs, and an expert bartender: Paul! They have also installed a pickleball court.
Mike Real was there, prepared to introduce us neophytes to the came of pickleball. Imy Dulake showed up in what looked like a pickleball uniform, with her own paddles and balls. Now Texans have a name for people who are just pretenders: “all hat and no cattle.” But Imy has game!
Several of us ventured onto the pickleball court, most had an adult beverage or two, and everyone partook of the delicious appetizers.
A really great time was had by the 35 or so people in attendance. If you missed it, you missed a good one.
One more First Friday Funday before YP rides off into the sunset. Stay tuned for time and place.
And we’ll see you all next Friday at Arcadia Rotary.
Bob Harbicht