Every week I acknowledge the members who lead the Pledge, etc. Ever wonder how that comes about? Well, Dave Freeman circulates a signup sheet at meetings. He then reminds everyone each week what he or she signed up for so they are ready to perform. Simple, but important, job. Thanks David!

Our regular songleader, Micky D, has returned and led us in a rousing rendition of “You’re a Grand Old Flag.” Good to see you back, Michael.

Bob Hoffman led us in the flag salute and also introduced guests. Dick Martinez offered a prayer. Thanks to Imy Dulake for being our greeter.

Marllene Griffith’s May 11th birthday was acknowledged. When Frank was asked what plans he had to celebrate, he allowed as how he hadn’t been told what his plans were yet. Sounds about right, Frank. Mike Real will be celebrating a birthday on the 14th.He told us his birthday was to be celebrated as part of Mother’s Day. Sounds like short shrift for your b-day, Mike. Rob Post wasn’t in attendance, but Angela’s May 11th birthday was acknowledged.

Several Rotary anniversaries were noted. Miguel Cea and Albert D’Antonio have been with our club for one year. For Pilar Hanson it was three years since she joined us. Tony Parrille was celebrating 18 years as an Arcadia Rotarian.

Elizabeth Dever visited our club from South Pasadena Rotary. Elizabeth told us about their major fundraiser coming up: Taste of South Pasadena. It will take place on Tuesday, May 28 from 6:00 to 9:00. Sounds like a fun event. Further details are on the cards Elizabeth left at everyone’s place setting. Thanks for visiting, Elizabeth.

Rosie Mares announced the Teri Muse Memorial Walkathon, coming up on May 19. Your president hopes everyone will make a special effort to take part in this event. The proceeds go to a good cause – the mental health unit at Arcadia High School – and it is a good way to honor our friend and former president, Teri. Go to last week’s newsletter, where there is a button to sign up from the comfort of your own home. You don’t even have to take your feet off the ottoman or finish your drink. Do it now. No, no, not later, now!

Mike Real has gotten everything ready to install Field of Honor. Now he needs manpower (and womanpower and kidpower) on Saturday morning, May 18 at 8:00. There is a job for everyone. The more hands, the easier the task. Hope to see everyone who is on this side of the grass and able to fog a mirror on Saturday. By the way, it’s a lot of fun too.

Eileen Wang announced that the City of Arcadia’s Law Day was to take place last Saturday. This reminder is too late for this year, but hopefully those of you who have run afoul of the law took advantage.

Mike Danielson asked for help reading and judging scholarship applications for the Rotary scholarships. Good chance to serve without leaving the comfort of your own home (same ottoman, same drink, etc.). Give Mike a call if you can help out (firstave301@gmail.com or 626-375-8634).

Finally, but very importantly, mark your calendars for Friday, June 28 for our Installation Banquet. John Wilson and his committee are working to make this a special event, as it always is. It will be at the San Gabriel Country Club. At this gala event we will throw the old rascals out and install Rosie Mares as our new president and bring in a new set of rascals.

THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS EVENT! All you have to do is sign up and show up with your significant other in tow. There will be outstanding food, adult libations, wine, enjoying your Rotary friends . . . what else could you ask for?

We had a two-part, but related, program today. First, Sheri Rueter told us about the Cookstove Project. Extremely interesting. It seems 1.5 billion people in the world cook their food over an open fire. Indoors! The effect on the environment and the children inhaling that smoke is significant! The Cookstove Project teaches people in third-world countries how to construct a simple vented cookstove which solves a great part of the problem.

The second part of the program was put on by the Interact Club from Arcadia High School, who raises funds to provide cookstoves. Great bunch of kids with great enthusiasm.

Before leaving this subject, I’d like to give a shout-out to Francine Chiu. Francine works with the high school Interact Club as the liaison from our club. Bet most of you didn’t know this. Thank you, Francine, for all your (largely unsung) efforts on our behalf. Great job.

Your president took note of Michael Danielson’s return from an extended absence. As he understood it, Michael visited his mother in Michigan. However, when he left, he turned right instead of left for home. Ended up in Europe! For a month! Travelled all over. Had lots of fun. Paid a $100 fine to Rotary. Welcome back, Michael.

YP did not let the opportunity to recognize Eileen Wang pass. Seems Eileen has been honored as a “Woman of Distinction” by Congresswoman Judy Chu. Eileen tried to deflect a fine by pointing out that this had been a month or so ago. YP pointed out that he hadn’t seen Eileen since the honor. Plus, YP also pointed out the fact, well-known by Arcadia Rotarians, that there is no statute of limitations where Rotary fines are concerned. For some of you he has tales from grade school he is just waiting for the right moment to spring.

YP mentioned last Friday’s First Friday Funday at the Kalemkiarian abode, and a loud cheer erupted. Calling Ray Bushnell to his feet, he asked about the wound Ray had received on the pickleball court. Seems Ray was mysteriously tripped or otherwise forced from his feet while warming up for a game of pickleball. He still bears on his elbow the evidence of this grievous attack. Careful interrogation by YP revealed that David Freeman was on the court with Ray when the incident occured.

When called upon, David leapt to his feet to plead his case. Now everyone knows that Dave is an accomplished tennis player, especially those whose money he has pocketed after carefully arranged wagers. Why Dave would feel the need to try to hamper Ray is anyone’s guess. And, it is fair to say, no one actually saw Dave make this nefarious attack on Ray. Just to be safe, though, YP levied a $25 fine on them. Ray said $12.50 apiece sounded fair. YP quickly disabused him of such thoughts and clarified that it was $25 apiece.

Next week we will hear a very timely topic: Artificial Intelligence by Greg Gazarian. Important info; don’t miss it. See you all next Friday.

Bob Harbicht
