Busy, busy meeting.
Mike Hoey got our meeting off to a rousing start, leading the group in singing “God Bless America.” Dick Martinez led the Pledge,Leilani Panyawai offered a prayer and John Sun introduced guests. It was great to see long-time former member of our club Stig Hedlund. Also with us was Dick Martinez’s son Mark. Thanks to Chris Haddow for making members and guests feel welcome as our greeter.
Ernie Aragon was recognized for his birthday. Careful probing by your president unearthed the fact that he sold his property on Live Oak. It can be assumed that he got a king’s ransom for the property, since negotiations had been going on for a long, long time. Ernie told YP that he’d planned to spend some of the money on wine, women and song. The rest he’d probably waste. YP assessed a payment for Rotary of $100 before all the money had burned a hole in his pocket.
Dick Martinez – proclaimed a “walking encyclopedia” last week by YP – is celebrating his 91st b-day! I’ve known Dick since I joined Rotary 42 years ago and I swear he hasn’t changed a bit: looks the same, same great enthusiasm. same sense of humor. Let the rest of us know what you’re drinking, Dick.
George & Jeri Fasching are celebrating their anniversary on April 22. The next day Mike Hoey and his wife Jamie will be celebrating theirs.
A number of important announcements:
- Mike Real reminded us that Field of Honor is right around the corner. There will be a flag assembly party at Mike’s house (1401 Oak Meadow, Arcadia) on Saturday, April 27 at 8:00 a.m.
- Chris Haddow conveyed the sad news that Amber Munos – our contact at the school district, tireless worker, and great friend to our club – is leaving the Arcadia School District for the Fullerton District. Big round of applause for Amber.
- Sho Tay reminded everyone that the Arcadia Firefighters’ pancake breakfast will be Saturday, May 4 from 7:00 to 11:00.
- The bad news was First Friday Funday scheduled at Paul & Sandra Kalemkiarian’s house was postponed last month because of threatening weather. The good news is that it has been rescheduled for Friday, May 3 at 4:00. Last month’s signup sheet was re-circulated for this month. If ya wanna come, be sure and sign up or contact Jerry De Lange (radiokjer@gmail.com).
- Rosie Mares announced the Teri Muse Memorial Walk will take place on Sunday, May 26 and will coincide with the Field of Honor opening ceremonies. Watch for signup info.
- Jim Pontello announced for the final time that next week’s meeting will be at the Arboretum, not at Embassy Suites!! The “11:30 club” will presumably meet at the same place (bar at The Derby), but probably a little earlier to allow time to find the Arboretum.
As we do every month, we were proud to honor three Arcadia High School students for outstanding achievement:
- Vrishank Biju was Scholar of the Month. (Fair warning: Vrishank will be on next week’s spelling test) He is a valued member of the school’s Constitution Team. In addition to his academic achievements, Vrishank (love writing it because I can’t say it) is a member of the high school track & field team. He plans to attend Brown University in the fall.
- Our Athletic Student of the Month was Emily Tran (won’t be on the spelling test; too easy). Emily is an outstanding member of both the water polo and swim teams.
- Rounding out our student awardees as our Performing Arts Student of the Month was Krista Lombardi. Krista is the section leader of the viola section of the high school’s outstanding orchestra.
All three students were accompanied by both their parents, showing how important these Rotary awards are to the students and their families.
David Vannasdall, Superintendent of Arcadia Schools and – more importantly – Arcadia Rotary member, introduced the principle of First Avenue Middle School, Semeen Issa. Dr. Issa is retiring this year and David paid her a very nice tribute for her service to our district.
Dr. Issa introduced the First Avenue Teacher of the Year, Erika Speed. YP presented Erika with the Teacher of the Year plaque. He also informed her that there is a check that accompanies the plaque but noted that the check requires two signatures and two of the three authorized signers are out of town. So,”the check’s in the mail” Erika. Ever heard that before?

Marjorie Lee was our speaker and gave us a little history lesson on the Chinese Exclusion Act. Marjorie was introduced by Ken Chan. Very interesting program.
Next week Frank McDonough will be telling us about tree failure. Frank’s a great speaker and his presentation will be, as always, interesting. Of course, those who fail to heed the repeated warnings that next week’s meeting will be at the Arboretum will miss the talk and also go hungry.
Bob Harbicht