Mike Danielson greeted each member as he or she arrived for our meeting. And he was busy; the turnout was one of the highest in recent memory.

Mike also led us in song, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Aaron Morris, a prayer from Gil Stromsoe, and introduction of guests by Jim Pontello.

Your president had needed someone to take over the Audio – Video function at our meetings and asked Aaron Morris for help. Aaron immediately “stepped up” and took on the duty. The result? A seamless transition. Thanks so much, Aaron.

Our President-elect Rosie Mares announced that she will be journeying to Tijuana next Saturday (1/20/24) for the Dia de los Reyes (translated: Fête des Rois (in French) or День королів (in Ukrainian). This is an annual event put on by the Rotary Club of Tijuana for disabled children. The children are fed breakfast, a show is presented for them, and they are given a blanket and a toy to take home. Several U. S. Rotary Clubs – including ours – contribute to this event every year (we are donating $500).

If you’d be interested in accompanying Rosie for the weekend, contact her directly (323-243-8352 or rosie@rmaccounts.com). Tijuana Rotary puts on a lavish barbecue on Saturday evening for visiting Rotarians, complete with great food, good fellowship, and some tequila sampling, I’m told. Rosie plans to go down Friday and return on Sunday.

Rosie is also chairing the Teri Muse Walk-a-thon, in memory of our former president. The proceeds will go to support mental health, a particular interest of Teri. Rosie announced that she and her committee (Miguel Cea, Imy Dulake, Yvonne Flint, Ray Bushnell, Jim Pontello, David Fu; hope I haven’t missed anyone) have been meeting regularly and will be announcing plans soon.

Because Mike Real does so much for our club, your president tossed him a real softball question, knowing he’s a great sports fan. “This week in 1973 a sports streak ended. What was it?” Mike thought and thought, but was unable to come up with the answer, which, of course, cost him $25. Several other not-so-knowledgeable members hazarded guesses (incorrectly, unfortunately. That’ll be $25). Finally someone guessed UCLA’s basketball win streak (another $25), but at least they were in the right sport. Finally, the correct answer of the Lakers 33-game win streak was shouted. Against Milwaukee, with Kareem scoring 39 points for the Bucks.

Your president offered the information that in 1904 Henry Ford set the speed record in an automobile. A fine would be forgiven if the speed could be guessed, within plus or minus 10%. Several guesses – all too low – were hazarded, enriching our treasury by several increments of $25. Would you want to go 91.37 miles per hour in this contraption?

Finally, the question of what happened in sports this week in 1969 was asked. If memory serves, it was Bob Hoffman who correctly said the New York Jets – validating Joe Namath’s guarantee – won Super Bowl III, the first victory by the American Football League. No fine for Bob, but his day is coming.

Our club always enjoys craft talks as a program and Aaron Morris demonstrated why. Aaron told us of his boyhood in the midwest, his coming to California for college, and something about the work he does. Very smooth delivery; lots of humor; great job Aaron!!

Next week we’ll be hearing from Ken Joe on “Life of a Youth Sports Commissioner.” Ken’s a great guy and I’m looking forward to his program.

We’re having lots of fun at Arcadia Rotary meetings. Like to see some of you who haven’t been too regular to c’mon out and join in.

Bob Harbicht
