F for fellowship – getting to know the people that you have lunch with most Fridays.

Craft talks help. Talking over lunch does too. But the best way to really get to know your fellow Rotarians is to work on something together and hands-on projects have been part of the culture of Arcadia Rotary from its inception in 1927.

There is an opportunity this Saturday, April 24. We will be giving TLC to Fort Rotary at Camp Trask and need lots of hands. Those that helped build the fort will remember the Saturdays working together, and Bob Novell’s standard lunch fare.

Partner’s and family are invited to our events. For the Fort tune-up, come early, or later in the morning, but come and join in.

Upcoming opportunities for fellowship include:

  1. April 24, Fort Rotary. Help fix-up the heavily used project.
  2. April 30, Club Meeting: VIP speakers from Lawry’s Restaurants- bring potential new members
  3. June 10-13 District Conference in Henderson Nevada. Come for some or all of it and expect great fellowship. Help us man the hospitality suite.
  4. June 20-23 RI convention , Montreal, Canada.

Put more “F”, more fellowship in your Rotary life. You’ll be glad you did!