Rob Granger introduced Sylvia Beltran who is the Community Relations representative for the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority, the state agency responsible for planning, designing and building the Metro Line light-rail from Union Station to Montclair. This Construction Authority Board is located in Monrovia.

As she approached the podium, she commented “this is liveliest group I have ever seen.” She continued by saying that she was raised in the San Gabriel Valley.

We all know that this is a huge undertaking and a costly one, too. There are four stages of construction of the Metro Gold Line. The 1st Phase being from Los Angeles to Pasadena, 2nd Phase; Pasadena to Azusa; 3rd Phase from Azusa to Montclair and then, 4th Phase onto Ontario Airport. Sylvia said that the 1st phase from L.A. to Pasadena is the most scenic.

At this time there is a Phase 2A where there is an exit at the 210 in Arcadia. Phase 2A also includes the new Maintenance and Operations (M&O) Facility. This M&O Facility will be used for servicing, cleaning, painting and storing light-rail vehicles. It will have a total storage of 104 vehicles. It was originally planned to be built in Irwindale, however, this plan was not used and now it will be built on 24 acres in Monrovia. This should be completed in 2015.

Arcadia’s station is reported to be located on the northwest corner of North First Avenue and East Santa Clara Street. The Arcadia Station will have two levels and parking for 250 cars. There will be bicycle racks and electrical charges. Sylvia was asked if there would be security for the parking area. She was not sure, but quickly added that all metros are going to be secured by the Sheriff’s Department.

Also, at all stations there will be “Station Art” that will reflect each cities’ theme. Arcadia’s theme is, of course, the famous Santa Anita Racetrack. A slide was shown to our group and there will be a tall weather vane with horses displayed on the weather vane. There will be a stained glass window over the entrance depicting peacock tails.

The other enhancements for the Arcadia Station will consist of a seating area with benches, trees and foliage and with a Christmas tree to be decorated at Christmas time.

It was almost time for the program to close and many hands were raised for questions to be answered. President Mimi asked Sylvia if she could stay after the meeting ended so that she could answer the questions.

Another good program on the progress of an important city matter tht effects all of us.

Phyllis Corliss