June 28th

Jim Rider, AKA The Rec’n Crew, went to work for the last time on Friday.

First up, Don Milefchik, recipient of the Alton Scott Community Service award, mainly fined for questioning the Rider Math Method, Don figured that he only has 9 toes and attempted to use this as an excuse for not being able to do math. It didn’t work – $18.

T.G. Metger and Sylvia Ramos were REC’d for $20 each, drunk tank activities, nether argued too much, not real clear what the connection was.

T. G. stayed on the hot seat, seems like he went fishing in Canada, some 3,500 miles away caught a large fish (no fish story, we saw a photo). Do the math – REC’d for $25!?

Bob Harbicht, who handled the installation of officers and directors, was quizzed on the status of Rob Grainger, apparently never installed as an officer. Also Bruce McCallum was admonished for not listing the most recent past president, Eric Barter! $30 to Bruce. Should these items be reviewed by the procedures committee? We could be in jeopardy with the District and/or Rotary International.

Next up, Rotary Amigos. An article about the long term Arcadia Rotary program appears in the July Rotarian magazine. Dick Martinez has been involved in the project since its inception. Also recognized as major contributors to the effort were Tom Crosby and Mike Real, or is that Tom Real and Mike Crosby? On a serious note, it would be very difficult to measure the overall impact that Arcadia Rotary has had as a direct result of Rotary Amigos! Way to go Dick – what a great example of Service Above Self.

So as Jim ends his reign as finemaster, he listed his top 3 award winners for recognitions over the last Rotary year.

3. Ashley Andrews who joined for business, stayed for the parties and hair color.

2. Ken Mallory who was voted the sexiest man at Royal Oaks.

1. Art Killian – who, when called on, immediately announced it was an error when he was mistakenly listed as participating in a company event that actually had nothing to do with.

So another Rotary year comes to an end, thanks to all the ‘contributors’ recognized for various activities and accomplishments through the year, your fines support the club budget, funding the good work of the Greatest Rotary Club in the World! Special thanks to Jim Rider, job well done!