Once a month, doctors and nurses fly into remote parts of Mexico to deliver needed medical services and medicine to villagers in remote parts of Mexico.  Unfortunately, villagers in these remote villages are not covered by the government for their health problems; so many go untreated and have no cure for some elemental problems.   The good news is doctors from this area, monthly fly into Mexico and dispense treatment or medicines.

Dr. Jon Tyrrell and Tim Murphy

Because there are no hospitals where these people go, they can only treat people who can be treated in one day and walk home the same day or the next day.  These doctors do operate and perform eye surgery; restoring vision to blind persons; set broken bones that have not been put back in place; operated on hernia sufferers, who can now work; restoring hearing to children who lost their hearing due to untreated ear infections; and many other procedures that these people consider a miracle.  Recently, with the assistance of Methodist Hospital of Arcadia, the team flew a girl from one of the villages to Arcadia.  She had a growth on her neck and under her chin the size of a grapefruit.  One of the nation’s top plastic surgeons surgically removed the growth at Methodist and when she was well enough she was flown back to her home.

This group of volunteers is known a LIGA International.  They are a non-profit, volunteer organization, who volunteers their services and time to help needy people in Mexico.  They operate three clinics, with basically borrowed or old equipment and in some instances out of date medicines to treat these folk, which the government of Mexico is now prohibiting.  They fly into Mexico, once a month, except for July, August and September.  Their needs are at this time laparoscopic equipment to perform surgeries and help in repairing a w all in one of the clinics.  You can visit their website to learn more at LIGAInternational.org.

Tony Parrille