Fellow Rotarian Councilman Bob Harbicht ran the program. Prior to bringing up the awardees, Bob reminded us of the 14,000+ fire departments in the U.S., only 51, including Arcadia, get the Class 1 rating.

Acting Fire Chief, Kurt Norwood (stepping in for Chief Tony Trabbie) made the presentation to 25 year veteran, soon to be retired, Captain Dave “Hutch” Hutcheson. Dave was raised in Arcadia, worked his way up through the department with numerous certifications and contributions of his intellect, time and commitment to the service.

Dave’s list includes developing the Arson program in 1990, learning about weapons of mass destruction, background checks on new hires, coordinating the Verdugo Cities Rapid Intervention Team, coordinating honor and color guard teams, developing the “tillerman” program for the back of the ladder truck and M.C.’ing the retirement parties.

His personal passion and commitment also shine through – He is a self-taught bagpiper, has put on fundraising events and over the last 18 months worked hundreds of hours restoring (and improving) a 1926 fire engine.

“He could get this award every year,” said Acting Chief Norwood. Dave was accompanied by his wife Beth, daughter Kylie and mother Sarah.

Paul Foley, Police Operations Commander made the presentation for Chief Bob Guthrie to awardee, Lieutenant Tom Cullen. Tom was raised in New Jersey. Her served in the Marine Corp from 1990-1996 and did his police training locally. He was hired in 1998 by the Arcadia Police Department and has developed skills both in the police and administrative side of the service. He suffered severe injuries in 2001 when his Police vehicle was hit by a car that ran a red light on Santa Clara.

Tom’s skills include SWAT team operator, specialty instructor and explosive expert. He helped develop and monitor the career development plans for all 120 employees, (which has now become a 3 or 4 person job). “I was just implementing the Chief’s vision,” he humbly said of his career development contribution.

Tom was accompanied by his wife Jill.