Rich Hutton was pegged by our illustrious leader, Imy, first for have been named L.A. County’s Top Criminal Attorney ($100) then for not knowing how many years he has been in the club (23 is the correct answer) another fine of $100

Dave Didier was questioned about his golf handicap and, luckily, gave a clever answer…” golf clubs”… No fine

John Fee was recognized for $50 because the company he worked for is involved in the Panama Canal expansion.

Finemaster Geoff wasted no time extracting fines with True or False questions:

Frank Hall: “You are not a baby boomer if you were born in the 30’s”. Frank correctly picked True for $25

Mike Ojeda: “Pete Rose’s jersey number with the Cincinnati Reds was 0”. Mike correctly answered False for $25

Ralph Orr: “John Ritter is the father of Tex Ritter” Ralph knew the answer is False. $25

Richard Schulhof: “Gene Autry gave us Peter Cottontail in 1955”. Richard guessed False when it’s True; $50

Ed Patridge: “Batman and Robin’s cave is 14 miles from Gotham City”. Ed guessed False when it’s True; $50

[Andy Bundesmann]