It’s always a treat with Finemaster Bob Harbicht takes the podium. He started with Hon. Bruce Marrs, who has two name badges: one he wears and one he lost. He was fined $25 for someone finding the lost badge. Tony Parille, Esq., received the same fine for the same issue.

Kathy Ellison was fined $50 for an upcoming walking tour of the Cotswolds – that’s in England, Matt Weaver.

Eric Barter was next for helping to keep the world (un)safe by collecting $3,600,000 in bail bonds in July. He gets a percentage and we all need to install more Nest cameras and do more business with Post Alarms as a result.

Bill Gleason, who feigned auditory challenges, was fined $50 regardless for a recent trip to Mammoth.

Ken Chan was fined $50 for trying to bring in a new member for 7 years and still being unable to close the deal.

Brian Hall, always good for a buck being in the banking business, was fined $25 for a recent arduous bicycle trip up a mountain most cars cannot ascend.