At the meeting on January 21 Ernie Aragon was fined $50for his entry to the Motorcycle Hall of Fame that will be in front of 1800 individuals. Imy received a fine waiver for getting Ernie to a meeting. Dave Freeman was recognized for coming to a meeting as we all miss him. Jim Pontello, Sho and Dick were all fined $50 for not having the right Valentine answers that our fine master asked them. Yvonne was not fined for knowing where the most chocolate is made – Hersey Pa.
At the meeting on January 28 David Muse was fined $25 for not knowing the right answer about YouTube. Bob Novell was fined $50 for making Frank drive to his home to take him to the meeting today. Bob Hoffman was fined $100 for not knowing that the largest bill ever in circulation was $10,000 issued in 1945 with the picture of Samuel B Chase on it.
Fines and Recognitions