The Rotary International Convention in Birmingham England was a great experience, the gathering of almost 30,000 people from 154 countries. We especially enjoyed the exciting Opening Ceremony and so many great activities. Speeches by out going R.I. President D.K.Lee on his Make Dreams Real, Mia Farrow on the troubles of North Africa, incoming RI president John Kenny’s word of encouragement to all Rotarians that the Future of the Rotary is in Your hands.
There were many Booths were we could buy Rotary merchandise and Hospitality Booths showing many Rotary Projects from around the world. One evening local host families gave hospitality in their home. We enjoyed meeting with over 40 Rotarians from different countries for an evening of dining and fellowships and were entertained by a local dance group called Morris Dancers, an English tradition. Even though we had just met it seemed like we had known each other a long time. I would recommend all members to attend one R.I. Convention during their Rotary lifetime.

It was a wonderful evening and great seeing you all at the Installation dinner banquet at Double Tree Hotel. I would like to thank everyone who helped plan and make the evening so enjoyable.

The first Friday lunch meeting will be on July 10th and will be a fun presentation from the Officers and the Board of Directors of our Stimulus plan for Arcadia Rotary Club, Looking forward to seeing you all there.