Our speaker Friday spoke about a subject that all of us at some point will find useful, Disaster Preparedness.  Ashley Schmeltzer from The American Red Cross offered a detailed solution to prepare you for your worst nightmare.  There is a probability that we will someday experience some type of disaster in our lifetime, whether it is earthquake, flood, fire, heat wave, or even pandemic flu.  The question is; are you prepared to survive the aftermath?  In her remarks, Ashley mentioned several times that we can not survive without water and how important it is to store at least a one gallon supply per day for three days use.  She pinpointed that there will be delays in help; there will be power outages, road closures, property damage, lack of clean water and possibly living in shelters.  We can be ready, however, if we get a kit, make a plan, and be informed.  The City of Arcadia recently implemented a program called “reverse 911” which automatically notifies you if you have a landline telephone in Arcadia.  If you have a cell phone, you can log on to the website of the City and register your cell phone for disaster notifications and updates to you and others in your household with cell phones.

Do you remember Hurricane Katrina, the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, Haiti earthquake and the devastating wildfires we have experienced?  Well, if so it is time to get prepared with a three-day family supply kit.  In it, you need dry or non-perishable food, water, first aid supplies, and your medications.  Additionally, a flashlight, batteries, radio, cash, contact information, pet supplies, hygiene items, multi purpose tools and gloves are necessary.  There may also be room for some comfort items such as toys, games, family photos, etc.

So, be informed! Get a kit, make a plan and practice the disaster plan twice a year while replenishing your water supply and updating your supplies.  To help with planning, please pick up a copy of the Emergency Preparedness Guide at the American Red Cross. And don’t forget to log on to the City of Arcadia website for an awesome twenty three page booklet that describes in detail what we need to do in order to be prepared for most any disaster.  Thanks to our speaker Ashley Schmeltzer for reminding us, just how important it is to be prepared for disasters.

(Pat Dolphin)