Our President, Brad Miller, introduced our speaker for the day.  Robin mentioned that she went on line to find out what Rotary International was all about.  She said she was blown away by all that we do.   She also remarked about how our club enjoyed each other and especially the fine master, and how he was able to  get money from certain club members.

Robin is a Registered Dietician.  She is committed to teaching about the benefits of eating healthy and to understand about the foods that we eat.

Your Mother always told you to eat your vegetables!
Most likely your mother did not know what science has now produced in the facts about vegetables and fruit, which are very important to your health.  But, she knew that you needed to eat all that was on your plate.

Fruit and vegetables have compounds that are not found anywhere else and are vital to our good health and make us what we are—daily.

Fruits contain many anti-oxidants like poly-phenolic flavonolds, vitamin –C, anthocyanins. These compounds, firstly help the body to protect from oxidant stress, diseases and cancers, and secondly, help your body to develop capacity to flight against these ailments by boosting the immunity level.

Anthocyanins are flavonoid category pf poly-phenolic compounds found in dark fruits and eating these fruits remove free radicals from the body, which then protects you against aging, infections.  These pigments tend to concentrate just  underneath the skin.

Robin brought up the fact that “fast food: contains so many horrible factions for the body and she asked “does anyone know why there are such long line of cars at “In and Out”?  Our members were insistent to tell her “because they are delicious” and “especially with the French fries”.

Robin continued to tell us why these fast food meals are not very good for the body.  She continued saying that the fruits and vegetables, the darker in color are better.

Today, in the markets, we are finding food that contains Fiber, Fiber, Fiber, and more whole grain and fortified with fiber. Fiber is good for the body and keeps everything working.

Today, our society has progressed to less physical movement.  We do not spend our time and energy hunting for food.  Our food is transported to us and the food we eat and especially fast food goes through the body quickly and does not stay with you.  Therefore, you are hungry much quicker if fast food is your diet.

Scientists are now looking at gut health.  50% of our immunity is in our gut.  We have good bacteria and bad bacteria. This bacterium is what fights within our body when we have an infection, or when we fall and scrap our knees. They go immediately to the hurt area and begin to mend our bodies.

Fruits and Vegetables Help Your Body
From the many fruits and vegetables that we consume and following is a short list of how the minerals and vitamins help our bodies:

Calcium is used for muscles, heart and bone.

Potassium balances the sodium and protects the heart.

Magnesium is needed for bones, protein, making new cells.

Vitamin D is needed in our bodies as it promotes absorption of calcium.  When we are in the sun, the body then begins to manufacture vitamin D.

We should all be taking multi-vitamins.  Vitamins with a higher dosage of iron is for men.

Any inflammation of the body or cut or bruise and the body comes to the rescue.

Red Wines are anti-oxidant.  Having a glass of wine for women and two glasses for men per day makes you relax.  Alcohol is toxic.  Your liver has to detoxify and if you have too much wine, this can cause a disease of the liver.

A baby is very delicate and if your baby does not have proper liquids, the liver can be affected and your baby can become dehydrated.  This can happen over night and you must take your baby or small child to the doctor for remedy.

How can you tell if the item is a Fruit or a Vegetable?
Anything with seeds is a fruit . . . not a vegetable.  This is the answer to whether or not tomatoes are a fruit or a vegetable

Our mothers always told us to eat our vegetables!
Robin Evans gave us a lot to think about and especially how our bodies react to various foods.

Mothers did not know scientifically why we should always eat our vegetables, but that was a standard request at every evening meal.  Today, we tell our children or grandchildren to “eat all your vegetables.”  More than likely most of us do not know why, but because our mothers always told us to clean our plates, we continue this tradition.

(Phyllis Corliss)