Dr. Saul Larner, one of our newest red badgers has certainly used a number of ways throughout his professional life as living proof that “A father is not to lean on, but to make leaning unnecessary”.

He eludes that none of us started at the top, and that “history only leads to hysteria’. He grew up in an area of poverty in Burlington, Vermont where his family owned tenement dwellings and his father was an auctioneer of railroad surplus. But they told him that he would have to “paddle his boat”, at the age of 10, he sold newspapers in the street in below zero weather. His teachers considered him a problem child because in the third grade, his first project was a roulette wheel and he taught the class how to figure odds. He thought it was important for the townspeople to know, as this was a profitable and legal sport in those days.

At 14, a manager in the publishing business came into town to recruit high school students to sell myriads of magazines. Larner ripped up the sales script and told them that “they can sell their way and he would sell his, and he ended up selling more than all of the other students put together.

In his senior year of high school, a life insurance company drafted him. His father was the worshipful master of the Masonic order and a founder of the
Shriner’s hospital in
Massachusetts. “Selling life insurance was like shooting fish in a barrel”, said Larner as everyone respected my father and bought.

By the end of his second year in college, he took his earnings and went into real estate. He bought many brownstones in the South End of Boston, didn’t like the pressure with all of the fires, etc. so he sold them and decided to move to New York and enjoy life for awhole.

Here he was in Manhattan, became interested in Astrology, and was soon published by Fawcett and Prentice Hall. This led to being on several talk shows and Bloomingdale’s doing some heavy promotions.

Larner got married and next week is getting re-married. He and his wife moved to Florida and Larner went back into real estate in selling tracks of single family homes. Further, he became a real estate auctioneer and began to auction major parcels such as Vikings Landing in Port St. Lucie. He has been commissioned to auction the $60 million Robert Taylor ranch in Mandeville Canyon, and soon the property will be out of Chapter 11 through some strategies which Dr. Larner developed.

Dr. Larner currently sells real estate in the San Gabriel Valley, and his nuance is quite interesting. Dr. Larner believes that “learning never ends”.

While in Florida, he earned a Ph.D. in international economics and an LL.M., (Master of Laws in International Taxation). He has used these skills to market properties using offshore planning.

Dr. Larner feels it is necessary to slightly elaborate on this. When marketing properties in foreclosure, Dr. Larner seeks a foreign buyer who can pay cash. He then works with international tax attorneys who give him referrals to enable the buyer to legally avoid firpta withholding, ordinary and estate income taxes. His photo appeared in The Jurist, the publication for supreme court judges, Larner has his photo with one circuit court judge and his credibility further rings loudly.

Larner is an Eagle Scout and has attended world jamborees. He has volunteered his services to us to raise money for Eagle Scout activity projects. Look for this new orange badger.