Our guests from Rotary Tijuana were Marcella, Alma and David, this club was founded in 1931. They gave a overview of some of the programs and support the club gives to the community including the wheelchair project, donating 1,000 wheelchairs annually to needy people.

One of the other significant outreaches is a large where house / school providing education to children in the area. David noted that the Tijuana Club also has an important annual event “Day of the Dead”, coming up on November 10, 2019. All Rotarians are invited to attend and help raise funds for the important work they are doing.

President Pat Dolphin thanked the Tijuana Rotarians for partnering with the Arcadia Rotary Club and for the important work they are doing in Tijuana. A gift in the name of the Tijuana Club is being made to Habitat for Humanity.