I would like to thank the Rotarians who work so diligently to make our meetings informative, about service and lots of fun. Last week’s meeting was a classic and made me look good!

Below is a list of those involved that deserve our thanks as a Rotary Club:

  • Imy and Matt had to schedule ahead of time to switch who would run the meeting.

  • Steve Garrett for publicizing the meeting on the blog and organizing the High Gear.

  • Dirk Hudson for scheduling the High Gear contributing editors

  • 24 contributors who make the High Gear happen led by Associate Editors Dirk Hudson and Steve Pelletier

  • Frank Perini for doing the photographs.

  • Barbara Barnes organized the agenda.

  • The late Sid Naness arranged pledge, invocation and visitor announcements.

  • Dave Didier coordinated students of the month and the plaques to present.

  • Dave McMonigle and Geoff Tookey did fines on the Pac 10 theme.

  • Dave McMonigle and Mike Real arranged the virtual USC/UCLA skit and “commercials”.

  • Bob Young selected songs and followed up with the “Name that fight song” skit.

  • Tabitha, our pianist for staying longer and playing in our skit.

  • Eric Barter helped with the skit. Thanks to the brave and unprepared USC and UCLA fans who played along.

  • Eric and Shari Pica decorated tables in the Pac 10 theme

  • Pat Dolphin and Pat Barnes for being coaches in the virtual football game.

  • Pat Dolphin and Allen Yack organized USC/UCLA themed tablecloths and the tailgate menu

  • Allen Yack for the flowers

  • April at the hotel for the extra microphones and sound system

  • Steve Pelletier setting up the laptop with the right slides.

  • Mike Ojeda for running the laptop for the meeting and the “commercials” in the game.

I may have forgotten some contributors and I apologize in advance. As you can see there are many involved in creating vibrant meetings each week.

A Happy Thanksgiving and Holiday Season to all – Brad Miller, Vice President.