OCTOBER 8, 2010

Tonight at Arcadia High School will be the Homecoming game to be fought against the John Muir High School Mustangs. Also this evening the Homecoming Court will also be presented at half time.

But, even a bigger announcement was that the “Salter Stadium” would be open for the first time for the public to enjoy. The Salter Stadium has a seating capacity for 7000 viewers and equipped with friendly backed seating.

Ryan Press was our first speaker. He gave a brief history or the Apache Football team. The doors were open for Arcadia High in 1952. Various coaches were in play and in the 70’s and 80’s Dick Salter was the coach that was really admired. In fact the new stadium is named after him.

During Salter’s time as coach Clay and Bruce Matthews were the stars. Clay and Bruce both continued playing footfall for USC. Clay then played for the Cleveland Browns, and the Atlantic Falcons. Bruce played for the Houston Oilers, Tennessee Oilers and the Tennessee Titans and went on to become inducted in the NFL Hall of Fame.

Current Head Coach Jon Dimalante has been at Arcadia High for 16 years. He had big shoes to fill and he filled them quickly as the Apache Team learned that Coach Dimalante was a real motivator and got them to play with fanatical effort.

He told the audience that he admired one person in our crowd. That she is a special person. Mimi Hennessy, Retired Superintendent of Arcadia Schools received a rose bouquet and hug from the Head Coach.

Coach Dimalante introduced the team captains, Victor Wae and Darrell Cheng.

They were exuberant regarding their coach, Jon Dimilante. They both exclaimed how the coach meant everything to them and the team and because of his guidance, they have all learned many life applications.

Coach Dimalante said that early in his life he felt that 90 % success was in the coaching. Now that he is older, he realizes that 90% of success in is the players.

In his final words Coach Dimalante said with much pride that “I have always felt supported by parents, and by faculty and by the city. Arcadia, this is home for me.”