John Murphy announced new Membership brochures have been re-designed to attract interest in Rotary in general and our club specifically. “Designer” brochure holders sponsored by Brian Hall’s Foothill Federal Credit Unition are available for your business or businesses you frequent.

Oct 6 Monday Night football: Paul K’s. This year the event will be catered with Tri-tip, BBQ chicken, and of course wines. There will be a selection of single malt Scotch’s to taste. For those who don’t care for the football – come anyway and bring your partner! Its a social highlight of the year. Thanks again to Paul and his family for letting us take over his home for the night.

Mon Sept 22: Taste of Arcadia $50, Rotary gets $10 of tickets sold by us.

Oct 4: USC AZ State at the Coliseum organized by Bruce McCallum. Please let him know if you are interested so he can arrange for tickets.