1. John Wilson announced that The Boys & Girls Club of the Foothills is having an open house on Friday 10/17/2014 from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. at their facilities at 600 S. Shamrock Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016. Now’s your chance to get updated on the life-changing work with youth and all the exciting new programs happening at the Boys and Girls Club. Afterwards join them for the after party at the home of Board Chairman Matt Weaver at 873 Ridgeside Drive, Monrovia, CA 91016. where you will sample delicious brews from 38 Degrees Ale House. The admission is free for both events.
  2. John Wilson also announced that he is planning a “hidden staircase” hike on Saturday 10/18/2014. Contact him for more information.
  3. Ray Bushnell announced that Rotary International will have its 36th entry in the Rose Parade on 01/01/2015 and they need volunteers. He announced that the District Rose Float Committee is selling theme pins for $10. If you are interested in buying a pin or becoming a volunteer, contact Ray Bushnell.
  4. New member Swati Puri announced that the project of the Duarte Foundation is to purchase musical instruments for schools. To help fund this worthy project they are selling raffle tickets for $25 with the chance to win a trip to Rome. Contact Swati for more information.
  5. Gil Stromsoe presented Bob Hoffman with a Paul Harris + 4 pin, representing donations totaling $5,000 by Bob to the International Rotary Foundation, and Gil presented a Paul Harris + 3 pin to Dave McMonigle, representing donations totaling $4,000 by Dave to the International Rotary Foundation. Congratulations to Bob and Paul!