1. President Brad announced that the August board meeting will be held Tuesday 08/16/2011 at 6:00 p.m. at Arroyo Pacific Academy.

2. Eric Barter announced that the club picnic will be held with other Rotary clubs at Burnt Mill Beach Club in Lake Arrowhead on Saturday 08/20/2011. Eric gave Rotary aprons to the following members who have been chefs: Mary Salcedo, Brad Miller, Tony Parrille, Bob Harbicht, Mike Ojeda, Bob Novelle and Eric Barter.

3. Mary Salcedo thanked all members who helped her at the Villa Esperanza function last week, and she said it was a great success.

4. Bob Harbicht announced that the club will have a Progressive Dinner on 09/30/2011. Everyone participating will first meet at Bob’s house for wine and cheese and then be assigned in small groups to go to other houses for dinner. Bob said that he needs at least 4 or 5 members to volunteer their houses to host the dinners. Anyone interested in hosting a dinner should contact Bob directly.

5. David Hu announced that the Environmental Committee will have a bin to collect small household batteries at the next club meeting on 08/19/2011.

6. Membership Chairman Mike Ojeda urged everyone to bring prospective members to the club meetings. September is Rotary Membership Month. Prospective members should also be invited to attend Monday Night Football at Paul Kalemkiarian’s house on Monday 10/31/2011 (Halloween) , and it was suggested that everyon come in costume.