1. Pasadena Rotary Club is celebrating its 90th birthday with a “Gala Like No Other” in the infield of the Rose Bowl on Saturday 05/15/10 from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. There will be entertainment, food, drinks, bright lights and a special fun-filled program. Tickets are $150 per person and the attire is collegiate and everyone is requested to wear their school colors proudly (college logo sweatshirts, football jerseys, saddle back shoes, etc.) Proceeds go to benefit the Pasadena Rotary Foundation. Payments and RSVP should be sent to Dave Mans, Fierstadt & Mans, 1100 E. Green Street, Pasadena, CA 91106 by 05/01/10.

2. MATT WEAVER sent around the proof sheets for the club’s pocket roster for every member to verify the correctness of his or her information to be placed in the pocket roster.

3. The Arboretum is having a “Hawaii Calling” opportunity drawing for a one week stay in a fabulous home on the Kona Coast on the exotic island of Hawaii. This private home sleeps four people with two master suites and has every amenity. The tickets are $10 each or 3 for $20. The drawing will be held on 05/01/10 at the LA Garden Show held each year at the Arboretum. Tickets may be purchased online at Arboretum.org or by calling (626) 821-3237. Payment for the tickets must be received by 5 p.m. Friday 04/30/10.

4. FRANK GRIFFITH announced that there will be a work project for the club at the Arboretum on Saturday 04/17/10 and another work project at Camp Trask on Saturday 04/24/10. Volunteers are asked to sign up.

5. MARY SALCEDO announced that she needs volunteers to serve at the Salute to Seniors luncheon on Tuesday 05/11/10 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Arcadia Community Center. For entertainment there will be a Dean Martin show. Sign up sheets are being sent around at the meeting.

6. FRANK HALL and DICK MARTINEZ announced that there will be a special trip to Tijuana on Friday 04/29/10 to observe needy local children being fitted with hearing aids. This is a joint project between our club and the Tijuana Club with a matching grant to provide the hearing aids. Contact DICK MARTINEZ if you are interested in going. Afterwards those attending will have lunch at the regular meeting of the Tijuana Rotary Club.

7. The Club’s Board of Directors meeting will be held Wednesday 04/21/10 at 5:00 p.m. at the Arcadia Red Cross building locted on the campus of Arcadia Methodist Hospital. All members are invited to attend.

Pat Barnes