1. Denise Weaver, the Partners’ President, announced that 13 have signed up for their dinner-play social to be held next Saturday, 10/23/10, but they need 7 more or the event will have to be canceled. Dinner will be at Barney’s Only Place in Town in Sierra Madre at 6:00 p.m., and immediately after dinner everyone will walk across Sierra Madre Blvd. to the Sierra Madre Playhouse to se the pulitzer prize winning play “Anna in the Tropics” . This event was a great success last year and we don’t want it to be canceled. If interested, contact Frank or Marlene Griffith.

2. Bob Harbicht announced that the annual Monday Night Football party will be on 10/25/10 at Paul K’s beautiful house at 1328 Rodeo Road, Arcadia, CA. To further entice you Bob will barbecue steaks and George Fasching will run the football pool. See you there!

3. Bruce McCallum announced that the annual Arcadia Rotary golf tournament will be at noon on Monday 11/08/10 at the San Gabriel Country Club. You don’t even have to know how to golf to attend. Contact Bruce for more information.

4. The club’s social chairman Mike Ojeda announced that the annual walkathon to raise money for Junior Diabetes will be Sunday 11/07/10 at Dodger Stadium. He was selling wristbands at the meeting for those who want to participage for $5 and I’m sure he will continue to sell them at each meeting until the event. This is a great cause and worthy of our support.

5. Bob Novell announced that the club’s 2 Polio Pigs are missing and now we have to pass around ordinary pots to raise money for polio plus. Anyone with any information as to the culprit who confiscated the Polio Pigs or their whereabouts can give an anonymous tip to Bob.

6. Bob Novell congratulated the following members who are Paul Harris Fellows for their donations to the RI Foundation (each Paul Harris represents a donation of $1,000 to the foundation): Steve Fong (Paul Harris + 2), Terry Earll (Paul Harris +3), Pat Dolphin (Paul Harris +3), Bruce Marrs (Paul Harris +4), George Fasching (Paul Harris +4), Keith Brown (Paul Harris +5) and John Murphy (Paul Harris +6).