The District Conference will be held the weekend of 05/19/2017 in Palm Springs.
The club’s Field of Honor will be held at Arcadia County Park from 05/20/2017 through 05/30/2017, with the opening ceremony to be held on Sunday 05/21/2017 at 1:00 p.m. at Arcadia County Park. 1,000 flags will be flown. BOB HARBICHT announced that we have $50,000 in sponsorships, and now we need to sell more flags at $50 each. MIKE REAL is in charge of setting up the Field of Honor on Saturday 05/20/2017 and he needs volunteers to set up the flags from 8:00 a.m. to about 1:00 p.m. on that day. Also volunteers are needed to man the club’s booth at the Field of Honor each day with various shifts from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and also to put diesel oil in the generators for the lights every other day. Sign-up sheets were passed around at the meeting. Contact either BOB HARBICHT or MIKE REAL for further information.
President ROSIE announced that the club’s last Board meeting for the club year will be on 06/21/2017 and will be a joint meeting of the old board and the new board.
Ashley Smith received her well-earned blue badge. She has been very active supporting the club in its activities
Brent Forsee announced the teachers of the year from their respective schools: A) Megan Leahy, who always has a superior Constitution team ( National Finals three years in a row). B) Jack Sessions, who teaches Physical Therapy and works with the sports teams. He is well liked and respected by the students.
A reminder to put on your calendar that the club’s Installation Dinner will be held on Friday 06/30/2017 at the San Gabriel Country Club. We will be dark at the Embassy Suites on that date.
SAVE THE DATE: Friday 10/27/2017 for Arcadia Rotary Club’s 90th Anniversary Celebration.
President Rosie needs volunteers for the Veterans’ event at the Santa Anita Race Track on Memorial Day, two separate shifts, from 11:30 AM to 5:00PM. More information to come.