1. The next Red Badgers event will be a comedy night at the Ice House in Pasadena on Sept. 25th, 2011. It is open to *ALL* Rotarians. While the show starts at 7:00pm, you must check in by 6:20pm. The reduced cost is: $5/person (normally $20/person); and there is a two drink minimum. Please contact Aaron Rose (aarose2008@gmail.com) if you would like to attend. He will put you on the list and your Rotary account will be charged.

2. Plans are set for the Progressive Dinner, according to Bob Harbicht. The date is Sept. 30 and there is still time to sign up. It will start at the Harbicht’s home for wine and cheese and progress to a members’ home for dinner. The cost is $25/person. See Mike Ojeida for more info.

3. Monday Night Football is back! On October 31, 2011 at Paul Kalemkiarian’s house. And this year, Paul has “removed” Bob Harbicth from providing the “high end” potato salad and appetizers. Paul has promised that he will do that this year! Save the Date!

4. The 1st Annual Post Alarm System Golf Tournament is still seeking golfers. See Rob Post for more info.