1. President Brad announced that the club raised $7,000 which was enough to provide “shelter boxes” to house 70 families in impoverished countries. He showed the members a portable water purifier that is contained with each shelter box to purify drinking water. This is a great project for which the club should be very proud.

2. Membership Chairman Mike Ojeda announced that there are several prospective members currently being voted on by the board for membership, and he encouraged all members to keep inviting propective members to our club lunches as they are the lifeblood of the club.

3. President Brad announced that the 1st Annual Golf Tournament for the Boys & Girls Club sponsored by Post Alarm Systems will be held 09/19/2011 at Brookside Country Club, Pasadena, CA, in memory of Scott Burtz. Contact Bob Post for further information.

4. The Red Badgers are hosting a comedy night at the Ice House in Pasadena, CA, on 09/25/2011 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. with the doors opening at 6:20 p.m. Out of 40 tickets 30 have already been sold. If you are attending you should plan on arriving at 6:20 p.m. The cost is $5 plus 2 drinks per person.

5. A sign up sheet will continue to be sent around for the club’s Progressive Dinner set for 09/30/2011.

6. The club’s Monday Night Football party will be held on 10/31/2011 at Paul K’s house.

7. Brian Cogbill announced that Keith Brown is now home from the hospital.

(Pat Barnes substituted in for Dave Freeman)