1. Happy Birthday President Rosie on 01/07/2017.
  2. Reminder that the Board meeting will be held on Wednesday 01/11/2017 at Matt Denney’s at 5:30 p.m.
  3. Dick Martinez announced that the Tijuana Rotary Club has invited our club to attend their annual “3 King’s Day” party to be given by them for 300-350 Down Syndrome kids which will be held on Saturday 01/21/2017. If anyone is interested in attending contact Dick for more information.
  4. The club will be dark at the Embassy Suites on Friday 02/24/2017 as the meeting will be a dinner meeting held at 5:30 p.m. at Holly Avenue School. At that meeting there will be the 4-Way Speech Contest, the Dan Stover Music Contest and Mini-Grants. Sign-up sheets will be passed around in a few weeks to find out who will be attending,
  5. Arcadia Day at the Races will be on Friday 03/03/2017 at Santa Anita Race Track. We will be dark that day at Embassy Suites.
  6. Casino Night, the club’s annual fundraiser, will be held on Saturday 04/22/2017.
  7. The club meeting on Friday 04/28/2017 will be at the Arboretum in honor of Arbor Day. We will be dark that day at Embassy Suites.
  8. Mike Real announced that District 5300’s annual RYLA weekend for high school juniors will be held on the weekend of 04/28 through 04/30/2017. They need people to sign up as Facilitators for the weekend which can be members and non-members. Contact Mike for more information.
  9. Jim Helms announced at the meeting that 01/06/2017 is the 12th Day of Christmas (the Epiphany) which in the son is “12 Drummers Drumming” .