1. SATURDAY, MARCH 17: CASINO NIGHT. If you need to sign up, contact Mike Ojeda. He also has the tickets for the event. Jim Rider said that prizes included a $1,000 shopping spree at the Westfield Mall as well as an airplane ride. The event will be at the Arcadia Community Center from 6 to 10 PM.
  2. PEACE CONFERENCE ON SATURDAY, MARCH 24. Pres. Brad said the event will be held at Victor Valley College, in Victorville. This is a District 5300 conference starting at 9:30. If interested, please contact Brad.
  3. CINCO DE MAYO AT MATT DENNY’S, MAY 4. Mike Ojeda announced that our regular meeting will be held at Matt Denny’s on Friday, el quatro de mayo, a day early for the actual celebration. Mike encouraged us to bring guests to the luncheon.
  4. RED BADGER BOWLING EVENT, APRIL 19. Karen Lee, President of the Red Badgers, said the event will take place at the 300 Bowling Center in Pasadena. Contact Karen for more details.